The above arabic text is taken from the famous shia book Al-Kafi by Kulayni whereby according to Shia, is the most authentic book of narration. Let's ponder on the hadits with regards to their creed on Imamate.

First Hadits:

From Soorah bin Kulaib from Abi Ja'far : I said to him the saying of Allah Azza wa Jalla : " When the day of judgment you will see the those who lied in the name Allah their faces will be blackened ?" He answered : " He is the one who said I am the Imam while he is not." He said : " Even if he is an Alawite( from the kins of Ali)? " He answered : " Even if he is an Alawite" I said : " Even if he is a son of Ali Bin Abi Talib? " He answered : " Even if he is "

Second Hadits: 

From Abu Abdillah : " Anyone who claimed to be the Imam while he is not, then he is a kafir! " ...And in case some Syiah tries to twist the meaning of KAFIR

In summary, anyone who claim to be an Imam While he is not is considered as Kafir according to this text. This is the actual creed of shia. To add further to their creed, shia itsna ashariyyah belief that it is obligatory for their 12 imams to make wasiat on their next successor but however we can also see this narration in Al-Kaafi, as the conversation between Ibnu Hanafiyyah and Imam Zainul Abideen below, there is no wasiat given by Imam Hussein.

What happened between (Zainal Abidin ) Alaihis Salam and Muhammad ibn al-Hanafiyah and the rest of his kins : ( Biharul Anwar by Majlisi : 46 : 111-112 )

أبي عبيدة وزرارة جميعاً عن أبي جعفر وأبي عبد الله(ع) قالا: لما قتل الحسين صلوات الله عليه أرسل محمد بن الحنفية إلى علي بن الحسين(ع) فخلا به، فقال له: يا ابن أخي قد علمت أن رسول الله(ص) دفع الوصية بعده إلى أمير المؤمنين، ثم إلى الحسن، ثم إلى الحسين صلوات الله عليهم، وقد قتل أبوك رضي الله عنه وصلى على روحه ولم يوص، وأنا عمك وصنو أبيك، وولادتي من علي، وأنا في سني وقدمي أحق بها منك في حداثتك، فلا تنازعني في الوصية والإمامة ولا تحاجني

From Abu Ubaidah and Zurarah both of them from Abu Ja'far and Abu Abdillah,they said : (( When Husain was killed, Muhammad bin al-Hanafiyah sent for Ali bin Husain and when they were in private, he said to ( Ali ) : " O nephew! You already knew that Rasulullah gave the wasiat after him to Ameerul Mukminin, then to Hasan, then to Husain, your father has been killed but he had not given a wasiat, I am you uncle, brother and half of your father, I am born from Ali, and I am older and more senior and therefore more qualified than you in your youngness, so do not fight and argue with me about the wasiat and Imamate.." )) By the way this narration is authenthicated by Majlisi. 
See also :

( 1 ) الاحتجاج للطبرسى ص 172 وأخرجه الكلينى في الكافى ج 1 ص 348 .
( 2 ) مختصر بصائر الدرجات للحسن بن سليمان ص 14 طبع النجف الاشرف .
( 3 ) بصائر الدرجات ج 10 ص 17 .
( 4 ) اعلام الورى ص 253 طبع ايران سنة 1338 ش .


Let's see the story what happened between ibnu hanafiyyah and Imam Zainal Abideen (both are ahlu-bayt).

Mufti Ghulam Rasool al-Hanafi (d. October 2010) in his book ‘Jawahir al Uloom’ published by ‘Anjuman Fatmiyah UK’ [one of the most vibrant Sunni groups in the country, on account of its famed leader Pir Sayyid Abdul Qadir Jilani] states:

“Muhammad bin Hanafeeya claimed that he was more deserving of Imamate
In Shawahid un Nubuwwa we read that following the martyrdom of Imam Hussain (as), Muhammad bin Hanafeeya approached Imam Zayn’ul Abideen (as) and said ‘I am your uncle, I am older than you and more deserving of Imamate, give me the turban of the Prophet (s) that you have in your possession’. Imam Zayn’ul Abideen said ‘Do not make such a claim’, Muhammad bin Hanafeeya reiterated his stance, and he replied ‘Uncle let us go to a Judge to resolve the matter, and we shall act on thee ruling accordingly. Muhammad bin Hanfeeya said ‘Who is the Judge? He replied ‘Hajr-e-Aswad’. They both approached Hajr-e-Aswad, he said ‘O Uncle speak to it’, he spoke but received no reply. Following this Imam Zayn’ul Abideen supplicated; he held aloft his hand and recited the special attributes of Allah (swt) that caused Hajr-e-Aswad to speak.

Then Imam Zayn’ul Abideen (as) directed his face towards Hajr-e-Aswad and said ‘I swear by Allah (swt) in whose name this man has testified in your name, tell who has the right to the Imamate and inheritance of Imam Hussain. Hajr-e-Aswad then began to shake and nearly, it then began to speak in a clear voice ‘Muhammad bin Hanafeeya the matter has been decided that after Hussain, Imamate and inheritance belongs to Hussain bin Ali (Imam Zayn’ul Abideen).

Jawahir al Uloom, pages 282-283 (published in London)

This is what shia explain about this incident:

If Imamate is (according to the Ahl’ul Sunnah) a matter that man decides then there would have been no need for Imam Zayn’ul Abideen (as) to seek the affirmation of Hajr-e-Aswad over who the rightful Imam was. Imam Zayn’ul Abideen's (as) act of asking Hajr-e-Aswad to clarify the matter proves that the rank of Imamate is divine, moreover the reply of Hajr al-Aswad ‘Muhammad bin Hanafeeya the matter has been decided that after Hussain, Imamate and inheritance belongs to Hussain bin Ali’ proves that the matter had been decided by Allah (swt) not by the people. Had Imamate been a man made right there would have been no need for Hajr-e-Aswad to make any such comment. This episode provides us with clear evidence that the appointment of the Imam is the exclusive right of Allah (swt) nobody else."

 Question to shia: As you can see above narrations from Shia books, they are saying that who is claiming imamate which in actual fact is not, is a Kafir. What do they say about ibnu Hanafiyyah? Aren't ibnu hanafiyyah is also among the ahlu-bayt? What happened to their fundamentals of imamate whereby the leaving Imam is obligatory to give Wasiat to his successor? Why didn't Imam Husein do so before his demise? What about shia itsna ashariyyah's nas stating about the names of their 12 imams in their own books?

As we can see from above, according to shia, Ibnu Hanafiyyah eventually accept the imamate of Imam Zainal Abideen using Hajr-Aswad as the judge. Aren't they suppose to know the nas of the 12 imamates? How about Imam Husein wasiat? These really shows how inconsistent the fundamentals of shia's imamate are. Full of contradiction. We found out that also, if there is already nas of the names of 12 imamate, why is there a need to do wasiat? Likewise, if every Imam is obligatory to make a wasiat, why there is nas? Common sense right?

Indeed Shia fundamentals are full of contradictions and we can thus summarise that their imamate foundations are very questionable and is a man-made foundation it seems.


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