The Shia will oftentimes use Taqiyyah (lying to save one’s religion) when asked about Matam (the act of self-flagellation during the Shia Remembrance of Muharram). We often hear Shia, particularly in the West (and Asia), saying that beating oneself during Matam is actually forbidden in the Shia religion, and that it is only ignorant and “extremist” Shia who do that.

This is a bold-faced lie, and we shall prove it here. In fact, the opposite is true:

Any Shia who claims that self-flagellation is not Mustahabb (highly recommended) is either lying or ignorant of his religion. All of the Shia Maraje’(high scholars) agreed that beating oneself is not only allowed in Shi’ism, but rather it is encouraged.

Shia High Scholars Who Encourage Self-Flagellation

Let us refer the reader to Ayatollah Shirazi’s official website. Again, this is his own website, where he cites his as well as the opinion of other Shia Maraje’ (high scholars), including Ayatollah Sistani, Ayatollah al-Kho’i, and many other leading Shia figures.

Ayatollah Shirazi is one of the most revered scholars of the Shia, and nobody could question his credentials. His official website can be viewed at* . In particular, we would like to draw the reader’s attention to his fatwa in regards to Matam, which can be found here: . We simply copied and pasted it all below.

*Since many such fatwas have been exposed & refuted on the websites of Ahlussunnah, many official English websites of Shia Maraje’ (high scholars) have been taken down.

As for the Ahlus Sunnah, they are saddened by the wrongful death of Hussain (رضّى الله عنه). He is one of the many great heroes of Islam that died in the Name of Allah. However, the Ahlus Sunnah does not engage in self-flagellation or self-mutilation, which are both considered strictly Haram (forbidden).

The Prophet (صلّى الله عليه وآله وسلّم) forbade barbaric practises like such, and he said:
“He is NOT amongst us who slaps his face or tears his dress.”

Do the Shia really think that Hussain (رضّى الله عنه) would appreciate people engaging in self-flagellation and self-mutilation?

If Hussain (رضّى الله عنه) were alive today, he would think that these people have lost their minds. We ask the reader if he would want his family to commemorate his own death in such a manner? No sane person would want his death commemorated in such a manner, no matter how unfair or how violent his own death was. So why do the Shia assume that Hussain (رضّى الله عنه) would want his death to be remembered in such a barbaric way?

This was a practice of the Jahiliyyah Arabs and the Prophet (صلّى الله عليه وآله وسلّم) forbade it, as well as the Quran.

Allah Almighty condemns the pagans for the barbaric way in which they would worship:
“Their [pagan] prayer at the House (of Allah) was nothing but whistling and clapping of hands; therefore taste the punishment because you used to disbelieve!” (Quran, 8:35)

Indeed Matam/ Tatbir of Shias during Ashura even contradicts what Ali (radiallahu anhu) said in one of the most authoratative books considered by the Shia – Nahjul Balagha – Sermon 233.

Extracted from: "Ashura (Matam/ Tatbir)" by Devil's Deception of Shi'ism


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Our Objectives was initiated by a group of concerned Muslims who were active in a Facebook group called "Kampung Melayu" which was mainly a platform for Singapore Muslims.

Unfortunately, the Facebook group admitted members from the local Shi'ite community, including their leader, Rosli Hassan.


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Self-Flagellation Ritual of Muharram

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