The Shia will oftentimes use Taqiyyah (lying to save one’s religion) when asked about Matam (the act of self-flagellation during the Shia Remembrance of Muharram). We often hear Shia, particularly in the West (and Asia), saying that beating oneself during Matam is actually forbidden in the Shia religion, and that it is only ignorant and “extremist” Shia who do that. This is a bold-faced lie, and we shall prove it here. In fact, the opposite...
It was in Ramadan 60 AH that the letters from Kufah started to arrive in Makkah, at the house of al-Abbas ibn Abd al-Muttalib (Radia-Allaahu ‘anhu), where al-Husayn ibn ‘Ali (Radia-Allaahu ‘anhu) was staying after his flight from Madinah. The letters were urging him to lead the Kufans into revolt against Yazid ibn Mu’awiyah, and assuring him of their loyalty and allegiance. Mu’awiyah (Radia-Allaahu ‘anhu) had died two months earlier, and...
The martyrdom of al-Husayn and the general atmosphere of mourning amongst the Shia during the month of Muharram bears testimony to its importance in the Shi’i calendar. To the Shia, ‘Ashura’ is probably the most important day of the year. In this partial account of what actually happened at Karbala’, which conveniently draws attention away from the other guilty party in the ‘Ashura’ tragedy, lies another tragedy in itself. For while...
Infallible Imam slams Taqqiyah against the wall The books of the folks are full of Taqqiyah and conflicting reports from their “infallible” Imams to an extent that no matter is  by Text-Enhance">free from differences of opinion, their renowned scholar Ja’far al-Subhani says in “al-Rasael al-Arba’ah” pg.201: عندما نطالع كتابي: الوسائل، والمستدرك مثلاً؛ نرى أنه ما من باب من أبواب الفقه إلا وفيه اختلاف في رواياته، وهذا مما أدى إلى رجوع بعض ممن استبصروا عن مذهب الإمامية [When we read the two books...
All taken from their books... 1. They said Allah will not speak to your sunni 'brothers', not purify them, and they will receive the painful azab...  عن أبي عبد الله (عليه السلام) قال: سمعته يقول: ثلاثة لا يكلمهم الله يوم القيامة ولا يزكيهم ولهم عذاب أليم: من ادعى إمامة من الله ليست له، ومن جحد إماما من الله، ومن زعم أن لهما في الإسلام نصيبا. ...From Abu Abdullah he said, I heard him said : (( Three groups of people that Allah will not speak to them during the day of judgement : 1) One who claimed the Imamate...

Our Objectives was initiated by a group of concerned Muslims who were active in a Facebook group called "Kampung Melayu" which was mainly a platform for Singapore Muslims.

Unfortunately, the Facebook group admitted members from the local Shi'ite community, including their leader, Rosli Hassan.


Local News about Deviant Shi'a Cult in M'sia

Self-Flagellation Ritual of Muharram

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